What we do and how we can help
Samaritan House provides Food assistance to low income families and individuals who reside in northwest Macomb County. We believe by freeing up money that would otherwise be used to purchase food, personal care and cleaning items, those monies could instead be used to help maintain household expense.
If you would like to become a client and be able to receive food on a monthly basis you will need to provide the following for all members of your household:
Non expired drivers license or state identification for any members of your household who are over 18.
Birth certificate or Social Security card for household members under 18.
Current utility bill.
Tax return for previous year, and or statements from Social Security, SSI or SSDI.
When a client has a need other than food assistance Samaritan House may consider that need. We have limited funds available for these requests. You would need to provide the above information and meet with our intake supervisors to access your situation.
These steps must be followed prior to asking for help:
If seeking rent assistance you must have a judgment from court, you then need to apply to Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for assistance once you have a decision you can then contact Macomb Community Action.
If seeking utility assistance you must be in shut off and apply to Michigan Department of Health and Human Services once you have a decision you can then contact Macomb Community Action.
Once these steps are completed and you have your determination letters from the above agencies you will then be interviewed by a supervisor to determine eligibility.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Macomb Community Action 586-469-6999
Other resources for help The Right Connection https://connection.misd.net/
Armada Township
Village of Armada
Bruce Township
Macomb Township
Shelby Township
Ray Township
Village of Romeo
City of Utica
Washington Township
Food Distribution
Food Pantry
The main purpose of Samaritan House is to provide emergency food for those in need. A pantry food order is designed to feed all members of the household three meals a day for 10-14 days. The food is donated, or purchased with donated funds.
Focus Hope
Samaritan House is a distribution center for Focus Hope. As such, we deliver Focus Hope food orders to qualified seniors who live in our service area. Seniors can receive assistance from Samaritan House to determine their eligibility and to apply for Focus Hope food assistance through the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Macomb County Food Bank
Samaritan House receives food twice a month from The Macomb County Food Bank, we receive this food at NO cost to us. This additional food goes a long way in helping provide food to our clients.
Free Tax Preparation Program
Samaritan House partners with the Accounting Aid Society to prepare State and Federal Income Tax forms with no charge to the client. This service is available on Saturdays beginning in late January and continuing until the last Saturday before April 15th. Appointments are required. Call or email Samaritan House for details or to make an appointment.
Back-to-School Backpacks
This program offers students entering preschool through the twelfth grade, a new age and gender appropriate backpack filled with suitable school supplies.
Coat and Boot Program
Each November we distribute new coats and boots for children in grades kindergarten thru fifth grade.
Easter and Thanksgiving Holiday Food
Each client household is given the opportunity to pick up a gift card for the meat of their choice and a box of food specially packed to supply the items needed for a traditional Easter dinner in the spring, and a traditional Thanksgiving dinner in November.
Sharing Tree Program
This program is designed to ensure that every member of each participating household has gifts under their tree on Christmas morning and the makings for a traditional holiday dinner. In October, clients complete their individualized wish list. Tags are created for each individual describing his/her wishes. The tags are then distributed to our sponsoring churches, local businesses, libraries and other organizations. The generous people of our communities select tags and fulfill the wishes.